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echo & narziss explores the aesthetic possibilities that arise from the combination of contemporary dance and computer-based video analysis and synthesis techniques.

Based on various open software systems and with some own integrative developments the signals of two cameras pointed towards stage and projection are processed and analysed in real-time with different methods. Information about the performer's motion controls significant parameters of video and audio production.

This way, all involved actors and instruments are closely coupled and feedbacked over different media, and from comparably simple choreographed actions a complex abstract representation of the antique legend of echo and narcissus will evolve.

echo & narziss was developed by Daniel Fischer as his final project in course of his studies of Media Art and Design at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. It premiered May 19th, 2004 in Gaswerk, Weimar.


supervised by

Thank You: Hans, Sylvi, Mark, Uli, HP, Klosh, pingfm (Jan, Lars, Sebastian), Justus, Paul, Theda, Thomas, GST Hackers and all else.


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